We have entered the age of Islamic Terrorism – world over people are stunned by the vicious attacks using guerrilla warfare to terrorize the common man. The world is relating terror to Islam. Religious fanatic uprisings exist elsewhere in other religions, but why are the Islamic terrorists making so much noise?
What is the ‘psychiatric training’ these young minds get which moulds them into dangerous, audacious and suicidal criminals? And, how can we quieten them?
On 30th September 2005, Danish cartoons associating Prophet Mohammed with terror led to huge protests in many countries including in India and Pakistan. Indian States with a large Muslim population namely, Uttar Pradesh, Hyderabad, Kerala saw aggressive protests. And Pakistan meanwhile saw country-wide protest including voices from the Parliament. There have been other incidents in the past which have instigated a Muslim uprising.
The terrorists are staining Islam with blood. We need the people who represent true values of Islam to speak up. What India or Pakistan need today is neither blood nor war. Instead, we need to channelize our energies into fighting the poverty and illiteracy which is eating away large chunks of our populations. Muslims in India and Pakistan need to stand up for their religion, peacefully – for they can see both sides of the coin and ultimately put an end to this man against man war.